Contents of Number 3
Volume 154 / 2012
Natural numbers $n$ for which $\lfloor n\alpha +s\rfloor \not =\lfloor n\beta +s\rfloor $ Acta Arithmetica 154 (2012) , 217-233 MSC: 11K55, 11K50, 11B57, 11A55. DOI: 10.4064/aa154-3-1
Linear correlations amongst numbers represented by positive definite binary quadratic forms Acta Arithmetica 154 (2012) , 235-306 MSC: Primary 11N37; Secondary 11E25, 11B30. DOI: 10.4064/aa154-3-2
On a divisor problem related to the Epstein zeta-function, IV Acta Arithmetica 154 (2012) , 307-324 MSC: 11N37, 11N75, 11F30, 11F66. DOI: 10.4064/aa154-3-3