Contents of Number 2
Volume 193 / 2020
Values at non-positive integers of generalized Euler–Zagier multiple zeta-functions Acta Arithmetica 193 (2020) , 109-131 MSC: Primary 11M32; Secondary 11M41. DOI: 10.4064/aa171120-13-3
Unit equations and Fermat surfaces in positive characteristic Acta Arithmetica 193 (2020) , 133-156 MSC: Primary 11D41; Secondary 11D61. DOI: 10.4064/aa180605-23-5
Note on a result of Shparlinski and related results Acta Arithmetica 193 (2020) , 157-163 MSC: Primary 11B30, 11L03; Secondary 11B75. DOI: 10.4064/aa181018-8-4
A new bound for the Erdős distinct distances problem in the plane over prime fields Acta Arithmetica 193 (2020) , 165-174 MSC: Primary 52C10; Secondary 52C35. DOI: 10.4064/aa190214-10-4
Supercongruences arising from hypergeometric series identities Acta Arithmetica 193 (2020) , 175-182 MSC: Primary 11A07; Secondary 05A19, 33C20. DOI: 10.4064/aa190311-11-9
Gaussian primes in almost all narrow sectors Acta Arithmetica 193 (2020) , 183-192 MSC: Primary 11R44; Secondary 11N05. DOI: 10.4064/aa190331-23-7
On multiplicative decompositions of polynomial sequences, III Acta Arithmetica 193 (2020) , 193-216 MSC: 11N25, 11N32, 11D41. DOI: 10.4064/aa190410-23-7