Contents of Number 2
Volume 157 / 2003
On the Kunen–Shelah properties in Banach spaces Studia Mathematica 157 (2003) , 97-120 MSC: 46B20, 46B26. DOI: 10.4064/sm157-2-1
Cotype and absolutely summing homogeneous polynomials in ${\cal L}_{p}$ spaces Studia Mathematica 157 (2003) , 121-131 MSC: Primary 46B15; Secondary 46G25. DOI: 10.4064/sm157-2-2
Decomposition systems for function spaces Studia Mathematica 157 (2003) , 133-169 MSC: 41A17, 41A20, 42B25, 42C15. DOI: 10.4064/sm157-2-3
The (sub//super)additivity assertion of Choquet Studia Mathematica 157 (2003) , 171-197 MSC: 26A51, 26D15, 28A12, 28A25, 28C05, 28C15, 46G12, 52A40. DOI: 10.4064/sm157-2-4