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Faithfully quadratic rings — a summary of results

Tom 108 / 2016

M. Dickmann, F. Miraglia Banach Center Publications 108 (2016), 37-48 MSC: Primary 11E81, 11E20, 13J25; Secondary 16W80, 16S60, 06F25. DOI: 10.4064/bc108-0-4


This is a summary of some of the main results in the monograph Faithfully Ordered Rings (Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 2015), presented by the first author at the ALANT conference, Będlewo, Poland, June 8–13, 2014. The notions involved and the results are stated in detail, the techniques employed briefly outlined, but proofs are omitted. We focus on those aspects of the cited monograph concerning (diagonal) quadratic forms over preordered rings.


  • M. DickmannInstitut de Mathématiques de Jussieu – Paris Rive Gauche
    Universités Paris 6 et 7
    Bâtiment Sophie Germain
    75205 Paris Cedex 13, France
  • F. MiragliaInstituto de Matemática e Estatística
    Universidade de São Paulo
    R. do Matão, 1010 - Vila Universitaria,
    São Paulo - SP, 05508-090, Brazil

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