On reduced Arakelov divisors of real quadratic fields

Tom 173 / 2016

Ha Thanh Nguyen Tran Acta Arithmetica 173 (2016), 297-315 MSC: Primary 11Y16; Secondary 11Y40. DOI: 10.4064/aa8007-2-2016 Opublikowany online: 1 June 2016


We generalize the concept of reduced Arakelov divisors and define $C$-reduced divisors for a given number $C \geq 1$. These $C$-reduced divisors have remarkable properties, similar to the properties of reduced ones. We describe an algorithm to test whether an Arakelov divisor of a real quadratic field $F$ is $C$-reduced in time polynomial in $\log|\varDelta_F|$ with $\varDelta_F$ the discriminant of $F$. Moreover, we give an example of a cubic field for which our algorithm does not work.


  • Ha Thanh Nguyen TranDepartment of Mathematics and Systems Analysis
    Aalto University School of Science
    Otakaari 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland

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