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Kolyvagin's work and anticyclotomic tower fields: the supersingular case

Tom 201 / 2021

Ahmed Matar Acta Arithmetica 201 (2021), 131-147 MSC: Primary 11G05; Secondary 11R23. DOI: 10.4064/aa201110-24-4 Opublikowany online: 29 October 2021


Let $E/\mathbb Q $ be an elliptic curve, $p$ a prime and $K_{\infty }/K$ the anticyclotomic $\mathbb Z_p $-extension of a quadratic imaginary field $K$ satisfying the Heegner hypothesis. Kolyvagin has shown under certain assumptions that if the basic Heegner point $y_K \in E(K)$ is not divisible by $p$, then $\operatorname{rank} (E(K))=1$ and $\Sha (E/K)[p^{\infty }]=0$. Assuming that $E$ has supersingular reduction at $p$ and other conditions, we show using Kolyvagin’s result and Iwasawa theory that for all $n$ we have $\operatorname{rank} (E(K_n))=p^n$ and $\Sha (E/K_n)[p^{\infty }]=0$.


  • Ahmed MatarDepartment of Mathematics
    University of Bahrain
    P.O. Box 32038
    Sukhair, Bahrain

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