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Representation of even integers as a sum of squares of primes and powers of two

Tom 206 / 2022

Shehzad Hathi Acta Arithmetica 206 (2022), 353-372 MSC: Primary 11P32; Secondary 11P55, 11P05. DOI: 10.4064/aa220306-11-11 Opublikowany online: 21 December 2022


In 1951, Linnik proved the existence of a constant $K$ such that every sufficiently large even number is the sum of two primes and at most $K$ powers of 2. Since then, this style of approximation has been considered for problems similar to the Goldbach conjecture. One such problem is the representation of a sufficiently large even number as the sum of four squares of primes and at most $k$ powers of 2. In 2014, Zhao proved this to be true with $k = 46$. In this paper, we reduce this to $k = 31$.


  • Shehzad HathiSchool of Science
    The University of New South Wales
    Canberra, Australia

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