Galois coverings and splitting properties of the ideal generated by halflines
Tom 101 / 2004
Colloquium Mathematicum 101 (2004), 237-257
MSC: Primary 16G60, 16G20.
DOI: 10.4064/cm101-2-7
Given a locally bounded $k$-category $R$ and a group $G\subseteq \mathop {\rm Aut}\nolimits _{k}(R)$ acting freely on $R$ we study the properties of the ideal generated by a class of indecomposable locally finite-dimensional modules called halflines (Theorem 3.3). They are applied to prove that under certain circumstances the Galois covering reduction to stabilizers, for the Galois covering $F:R\to R/G$, is strictly full (Theorems 1.5 and 4.2).