On confluently graph-like compacta

Tom 178 / 2003

Lex G. Oversteegen, Janusz R. Prajs Fundamenta Mathematicae 178 (2003), 109-127 MSC: Primary 54C10, 54C15, 54D05; Secondary 54F15, 54C20. DOI: 10.4064/fm178-2-2


For any class ${\mathcal K}$ of compacta and any compactum $X$ we say that: (a) $X$ is confluently ${\mathcal K}$-representable if $X$ is homeomorphic to the inverse limit of an inverse sequence of members of ${\mathcal K}$ with confluent bonding mappings, and (b) $X$ is confluently ${\mathcal K}$-like provided that $X$ admits, for every $\varepsilon >0$, a confluent $\varepsilon $-mapping onto a member of ${\mathcal K}$. The symbol ${\mathbb L}{ \mathbb C}$ stands for the class of all locally connected compacta. It is proved in this paper that for each compactum $X$ and each family ${\mathcal K}$ of graphs, $X$ is confluently ${\mathcal K}$-representable if and only if $X$ is confluently ${\mathcal K}$-like. We also show that for any compactum the properties of: (1) being confluently graph-representable, and (2) being 1-dimensional and confluently ${ \mathbb L}{ \mathbb C}$-like, are equivalent. Consequently, all locally connected curves are confluently graph-representable. We also conclude that all confluently arc-like continua are homeomorphic to inverse limits of arcs with open bonding mappings, and all confluently tree-like continua are absolute retracts for hereditarily unicoherent continua.


  • Lex G. OversteegenDepartment of Mathematics
    University of Alabama at Birmingham
    Birmingham, AL 35294, U.S.A.
  • Janusz R. PrajsInstitute of Mathematics
    University of Opole
    Oleska 48
    45-052 Opole, Poland
    Department of Mathematics
    Idaho State University
    Pocatello, ID 83209, U.S.A.

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