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Characterizing large cardinals through Neeman's pure side condition forcing

Tom 252 / 2021

Peter Holy, Philipp Lücke, Ana Njegomir Fundamenta Mathematicae 252 (2021), 53-102 MSC: 03E55, 03E05, 03E35. DOI: 10.4064/fm662-1-2020 Opublikowany online: 22 April 2020


We show that some of the most prominent large cardinal notions can be characterized through the validity of certain combinatorial principles at $\omega _2$ in forcing extensions by the pure side condition forcing introduced by Neeman. The combinatorial properties that we make use of are natural principles, and in particular for inaccessible cardinals, these principles are equivalent to their corresponding large cardinal properties. Our characterizations make use of the concepts of internal large cardinals introduced in this paper, and of the classical concept of generic elementary embeddings.


  • Peter HolyMathematisches Institut
    Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
    Endenicher Allee 60
    53115 Bonn, Germany
  • Philipp LückeMathematisches Institut
    Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
    Endenicher Allee 60
    53115 Bonn, Germany
  • Ana NjegomirMathematisches Institut
    Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
    Endenicher Allee 60
    53115 Bonn, Germany

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