
ul. Śniadeckich 8, 00-656 Warszawa
Phone number: 22 52 28 100
fax: 22 629 39 97 http://www.impan.pl

Scientific Staff:

Piotr Achinger / pachinger@impan.pl / Department of Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Tomasz Adamowicz / T.Adamowicz@impan.pl /
Michał Bogdan / mbogdan@impan.pl / Dioscuri Centre in Topological Data Analysis
Jarosław Buczyński / jabu@mimuw.edu.pl / Department of Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Alberto Cavallo / acavallo@impan.pl /
Tomasz Cieślak / T.Cieslak@impan.pl /
Liena Colarte Gomez / lcolartegomez@impan.pl /
Neeraj Deshmukh / ndeshmukh@impan.pl / Department of Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Paweł Dłotko / p.dlotko@impan.pl / Dioscuri Centre in Topological Data Analysis
Karol Duda / kduda@impan.pl / Analytic and Geometric Group Theory Research Group
Artem Dudko / adudko@impan.pl / Department of Dynamical Systems
Veronika Ertl-Bleimhofer / vertl@impan.pl / Department of Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Christophe Eyral / ch.eyral@impan.pl /
Leonardo Ferrari / lferrari@impan.pl /
Jędrzej Garnek / jgarnek@impan.pl /
Sylvain Gaulhiac / sgaulhiac@impan.pl / Department of Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Abhishek Ghosh / agosh@impan.pl / Department of Functional Analysis
Janusz Grabowski / j.grabowski@impan.pl / Department of Mathematical Physics and Differential Geometry
Jonatan Gutman / y.gutman@impan.pl / Department of Dynamical Systems
Piotr Gwiazda / pgwiazda@mimuw.edu.pl / Department of Differential Equations
Piotr M. Hajac / pmh@impan.pl / Noncommutative Geometry Research Group
Karol Hajduk / khajduk@impan.pl / Department of Differential Equations
Zbigniew Jelonek / najelone@cyf-kr.edu.pl /
Tomasz Komorowski / Tomasz.Komorowski@umcs.lublin.pl / Department of Probability Theory
Jakub Koncki / jakubkoncki@impan.pl / Department of Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Piotr Koszmider / piotr.math@proton.me /
Andrzej Królak / a.krolak@impan.pl / Department of Mathematical Physics and Differential Geometry
Wojciech Kryński / w.krynski@impan.pl / Department of Mathematical Physics and Differential Geometry
Manish Kumar / mkumar@impan.pl / Department of Functional Analysis
Antonio López-Neumann / alopez@impan.pl / Analytic and Geometric Group Theory Research Group
Jarosław Mederski / jmederski@impan.pl / Department of Differential Equations
Piotr Miłoś / pmilos@impan.pl / Artificial Intelligence Research Group
Piotr Mizerka / pmizerka@impan.pl /
Rouzbeh Mohseni / mrouzbeh@impan.pl / Department of Mathematical Physics and Differential Geometry
Bartosz Naskręcki / bnaskrecki@impan.pl / Dioscuri Centre in Topological Data Analysis
Piotr Nowak / pnowak@impan.pl / Analytic and Geometric Group Theory Research Group
Łukasz Pawelec / lpawelec@impan.pl / Department of Dynamical Systems
Michał Rams / m.rams@impan.pl / Department of Dynamical Systems
Joanna Rencławowicz / jr@impan.pl / Department of Differential Equations
Jan Rozendaal / j.rozendaal@impan.pl / Department of Functional Analysis
Matthias Schötz / Schotz@impan.pl / Noncommutative Geometry Research Group
Zdenek Silber / zsilber@impan.pl / Department of Functional Analysis
Adam Skalski / A.Skalski@impan.pl / Department of Functional Analysis
Łukasz Stettner / l.stettner@impan.pl / Department of Probability Theory
Anna Szumowicz / aszumowicz@impan.pl /
Masha Vlasenko / mvlasenko@impan.pl /
Hua Wang / hwang@impan.pl /
Mateusz Wasilewski / mwasilewski@impan.pl / Department of Functional Analysis
Mateusz Wasilewski / mwasilewski@impan.pl / Department of Functional Analysis
Michał Wojciechowski / M.Wojciechowski@impan.pl / Department of Functional Analysis
Aneta Wróblewska-Kamińska / a.wroblewska@impan.pl / Department of Differential Equations
Bogusław Zegarliński / bzegarlinski@impan.pl / Department of Probability Theory
Błażej Żmija / bzmija@impan.pl /
ul. Abrahama 18, 81-825 Sopot, e-mail: gdansk@impan.pl
Phone number: 58 551 08 04
fax: 58 550 30 61
Branch manager:
Tomasz Szarek

Scientific Staff:

Douglas Blue / dblue@impan.pl /
Marcin Bownik / mbownik@impan.pl /
Anna Kamont / anna.kamont@impan.pl /
Karolina Kropielnicka / kkropielnicka@impan.pl /
Rahman Mohammadpour / rahman.mohammadpour@impan.pl /
Grigor Sargsyan / gsargsyan@impan.pl /
dr inż. Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska / j.signerska@impan.pl / Dioscuri Centre in Topological Data Analysis
Tomasz Szarek / tszarek@impan.pl /
Adam Śpiewak / aspiewak@impan.pl / Department of Dynamical Systems
ul. Bankowa 14, 40-007 Katowice, pok. 325, e-mail: bsmolka@ux2.math.us.edu.pl
Phone number: 693 700 242
fax: 32 258 29 76
Branch manager:
Ryszard Rudnicki

Scientific Staff:

Ryszard Rudnicki / rudnicki@us.edu.pl /
ul. Świętego Tomasza 30, 31-027 Kraków
Phone number: 12 422 87 06
fax: 12 422 16 56
Branch manager:
Michał Kapustka

Scientific Staff:

Maciej Dołęga / mdolega@impan.pl /
Michał Kapustka / mkapustka@impan.pl /
Michał Lasoń / michalason@gmail.com /
Victor Nador / vnador@impan.pl /
ul. F. Chopina 12, 87-100 Toruń
Phone number: 56 611 8979
fax: 56 611 8979
Branch manager:
Yuriy Tomilov

Scientific Staff:

Tomasz Klimsiak / t.klimsiak@impan.pl / Department of Probability Theory
Jesús Oliva Maza / joliva@impan.pl /
Tomasz Rychlik / t.rychlik@impan.pl / Department of Probability Theory
Piotr Śniady / psniady@impan.pl /
Yuriy Tomilov / ytomilov@impan.pl / Department of Functional Analysis
ul. Kopernika 18, 51-617 Wrocław
Phone number: 71 348 10 76
fax: 71 348 10 98
Branch manager:
Adam Nowak
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FROM LEFT JOIN ON . = . LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ., ., CONCAT( ., . ) AS FROM LEFT JOIN ON . = . ) AS links ON links.id = . LEFT JOIN AS nav_exclude ON nav_exclude.cid = . AND nav_exclude.name = LEFT JOIN AS nav_name ON nav_name.cid = . AND nav_name.name = LEFT JOIN AS nav_class ON nav_class.cid = . AND nav_class.name = LEFT JOIN AS nav_target ON nav_target.cid = . AND nav_target.name = WHERE . = 5140 AND . = 1 AND . IN (, ) AND ( nav_exclude.data != 1 OR nav_exclude.data IS NULL ) ORDER BY . " } ["_sqlParam":protected]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1426) " SELECT ., ., ., CONCAT( ., . ) AS , links.direct, links.internal, nav_name.data AS , nav_class.data AS , nav_target.data AS , . FROM LEFT JOIN ON . = . LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ., ., CONCAT( ., . ) AS FROM LEFT JOIN ON . = . ) AS links ON links.id = . LEFT JOIN AS nav_exclude ON nav_exclude.cid = . AND nav_exclude.name = LEFT JOIN AS nav_name ON nav_name.cid = . AND nav_name.name = LEFT JOIN AS nav_class ON nav_class.cid = . AND nav_class.name = LEFT JOIN AS nav_target ON nav_target.cid = . AND nav_target.name = WHERE . = 5140 AND . = 1 AND . IN (, ) AND ( nav_exclude.data != 1 OR nav_exclude.data IS NULL ) ORDER BY . " } ["_queryId":protected]=> NULL } ["_defaultStmtClass":protected]=> string(24) "Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli" ["_config":protected]=> array(9) { ["host"]=> string(9) "localhost" ["username"]=> string(5) "impan" ["password"]=> string(13) "z!dmVB9#Zg@yK" ["dbname"]=> string(13) "impan_pimcore" ["port"]=> string(4) "3306" ["charset"]=> string(4) "UTF8" ["persistent"]=> bool(false) ["options"]=> array(3) { ["caseFolding"]=> int(0) ["autoQuoteIdentifiers"]=> bool(true) ["fetchMode"]=> int(2) } ["driver_options"]=> array(0) { } } ["_fetchMode":protected]=> int(2) ["_profiler":protected]=> object(Zend_Db_Profiler)#101 (4) { ["_queryProfiles":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_enabled":protected]=> bool(false) ["_filterElapsedSecs":protected]=> NULL ["_filterTypes":protected]=> NULL } ["_defaultProfilerClass":protected]=> string(16) "Zend_Db_Profiler" ["_connection":protected]=> object(mysqli)#94 (19) { ["affected_rows"]=> int(-1) ["client_info"]=> string(6) "5.5.62" ["client_version"]=> int(50562) ["connect_errno"]=> int(0) ["connect_error"]=> NULL ["errno"]=> int(0) ["error"]=> string(0) "" ["error_list"]=> array(0) { } ["field_count"]=> int(10) ["host_info"]=> string(25) "Localhost via UNIX socket" ["info"]=> NULL ["insert_id"]=> int(0) ["server_info"]=> string(27) "5.5.62-0ubuntu0.14.04.1-log" ["server_version"]=> int(50562) ["stat"]=> string(154) "Uptime: 5411954 Threads: 10 Questions: 5904404566 Slow queries: 4389 Opens: 8130 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 1357 Queries per second avg: 1090.993" ["sqlstate"]=> string(5) "00000" ["protocol_version"]=> int(10) ["thread_id"]=> int(22188379) ["warning_count"]=> int(0) } ["_caseFolding":protected]=> int(0) ["_autoQuoteIdentifiers":protected]=> bool(true) ["_allowSerialization":protected]=> bool(true) ["_autoReconnectOnUnserialize":protected]=> bool(false) } } } ["objectTypeObject"]=> bool(true) }

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