Contents of Number 4
Volume 120 / 2005
A characterization of some $q$-multiplicative functions Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005) , 313-336 MSC: 11A25, 11N64, 11N56. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-4-1
Cohomology groups of the class groups over a $\Bbb Z_p$ extension Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005) , 337-348 MSC: 11R18, 11R34, 11R37, 11S25, 11S31. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-4-2
Localised Bombieri–Vinogradov theorems in imaginary quadratic fields Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005) , 349-377 MSC: Primary 11R47. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-4-3
Unimodular brackets and related structures Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005) , 379-394 MSC: Primary 11B57; Secondary 16D20. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-4-4
New identities for the Rogers–Ramanujan functions Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005) , 395-413 MSC: 11P82, 11F27, 33D15 DOI: 10.4064/aa120-4-5