Contents of Number 1
Volume 124 / 2006
Best simultaneous diophantine approximations of Pisot numbers and Rauzy fractals Acta Arithmetica 124 (2006) , 1-15 MSC: 28A80, 11J70. DOI: 10.4064/aa124-1-1
Uniformly thin bases of order two Acta Arithmetica 124 (2006) , 17-26 MSC: Primary 11B13. DOI: 10.4064/aa124-1-2
On the logarithmic factor in error term estimates in certain additive congruence problems Acta Arithmetica 124 (2006) , 27-39 MSC: 11A07, 11L03. DOI: 10.4064/aa124-1-3
On $q$-Euler numbers, $q$-Salié numbers and $q$-Carlitz numbers Acta Arithmetica 124 (2006) , 41-57 MSC: Primary 11B65; Secondary 05A30, 11A07, 11B68. DOI: 10.4064/aa124-1-4
On theta series vanishing at $\infty $ and related lattices Acta Arithmetica 124 (2006) , 59-71 MSC: 11H06, 11F11, 11F27. DOI: 10.4064/aa124-1-5
Local solvability of diagonal equations (again) Acta Arithmetica 124 (2006) , 73-77 MSC: Primary 11D72, 11D88, 11E76. DOI: 10.4064/aa124-1-6
Average Frobenius distribution of elliptic curves Acta Arithmetica 124 (2006) , 79-100 MSC: Primary 11G05; Secondary 11N05. DOI: 10.4064/aa124-1-7