Contents of Number 3
Volume 208 / 2012
Thin and fat sets for doubling measures in metric spaces Studia Mathematica 208 (2012) , 195-211 MSC: Primary 28A12; Secondary 30L10. DOI: 10.4064/sm208-3-1
Semiconjugacy to a map of a constant slope Studia Mathematica 208 (2012) , 213-228 MSC: Primary 37E99; Secondary 37B99. DOI: 10.4064/sm208-3-2
New spectral multiplicities for ergodic actions Studia Mathematica 208 (2012) , 229-247 MSC: 37A15, 37A30. DOI: 10.4064/sm208-3-3
Powers of $m$-isometries Studia Mathematica 208 (2012) , 249-255 MSC: Primary 47B99. DOI: 10.4064/sm208-3-4
Sharp embedding results for spaces of smooth functions with power weights Studia Mathematica 208 (2012) , 257-293 MSC: 46E35, 46E40. DOI: 10.4064/sm208-3-5