Contents of Number 4
Volume 23 / 1973
Some results on the distribution of additive arithmetic functions, II Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973) , 315-328 DOI: 10.4064/aa-23-4-315-328
A simplification of the formula for L(1,χ) where χ is a totally imaginary Dirichlet character of a real quadratic field Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973) , 329-337 DOI: 10.4064/aa-23-4-329-337
A method in diophantine approximation (VI) Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973) , 339-358 DOI: 10.4064/aa-23-4-339-358
On the difference of consecutive terms of sequences defined by divisibility properties, II Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973) , 359-361 DOI: 10.4064/aa-23-4-359-361
Local behaviour of a class of multiplicative functions Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973) , 363-369 DOI: 10.4064/aa-23-4-363-369
Density estimates for the zeros of L-functions Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973) , 379-391 DOI: 10.4064/aa-23-4-379-391
Volumsapproximation beim Jacobialgorithmus, II Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973) , 393-400 DOI: 10.4064/aa-23-4-393-400
On the number of integers which are sums of two squares Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973) , 401-412 DOI: 10.4064/aa-23-4-401-412
Publications of L. J. Mordell. Continuation from Acta Arithmetica, vol. IX pp.13-22 Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973) , 413-416 DOI: 10.4064/aa-23-4-413-416
Waring's problem in quadratic number fields. Addendum Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973) , 417-418 DOI: 10.4064/aa-23-4-417-418
Sur les polynômes à coefficients entiérs et de discriminant donné Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973) , 419-426 DOI: 10.4064/aa-23-4-419-426