Contents of Number 1
Volume 32 / 1977
Three restricted product-sum partition functions Acta Arithmetica 32 (1977) , 7-13 DOI: 10.4064/aa-32-1-7-13
Generalization of some theorems on sets of multiples and primitive sequences Acta Arithmetica 32 (1977) , 15-26 DOI: 10.4064/aa-32-1-15-26
The Fourier expansion of Epstein's zeta function over an algebraic number field and its consequences for algebraic number theory Acta Arithmetica 32 (1977) , 37-53 DOI: 10.4064/aa-32-1-37-53
Zero-density estimates for L-functions Acta Arithmetica 32 (1977) , 55-62 DOI: 10.4064/aa-32-1-55-62
The algebraic independence of certain numbers to algebraic powers Acta Arithmetica 32 (1977) , 63-71 DOI: 10.4064/aa-32-1-63-71
Polynomial identities which imply identities of Euler and Jacobi Acta Arithmetica 32 (1977) , 73-78 DOI: 10.4064/aa-32-1-73-78
Remarques sur les nombres de Pisot-Vijayaraghavan Acta Arithmetica 32 (1977) , 79-87 DOI: 10.4064/aa-32-1-79-87
Pisot sequences which satisfy no linear recurrence Acta Arithmetica 32 (1977) , 89-98 DOI: 10.4064/aa-32-1-89-98
Suites à spectre vide et suites pseudo-aléatoires Acta Arithmetica 32 (1977) , 99-106 DOI: 10.4064/aa-32-1-99-106