Contents of Number 1
Volume 117 / 2009
Non-abelian extensions of minimal rotations Colloquium Mathematicum 117 (2009) , 1-17 MSC: Primary 37B05, 37B20. DOI: 10.4064/cm117-1-1
Square subgroups of rank two abelian groups Colloquium Mathematicum 117 (2009) , 19-28 MSC: Primary 20K15. DOI: 10.4064/cm117-1-2
Relative theory in subcategories Colloquium Mathematicum 117 (2009) , 29-63 MSC: Primary 12G10, 16G70; Secondary 16E10. DOI: 10.4064/cm117-1-3
Testing flatness and computing rank of a module using syzygies Colloquium Mathematicum 117 (2009) , 65-79 MSC: Primary 13P10; Secondary 13D02, 13D05. DOI: 10.4064/cm117-1-4
A new proof for the multiplicative property of the boolean cumulants with applications to the operator-valued case Colloquium Mathematicum 117 (2009) , 81-93 MSC: 45L53, 46L08. DOI: 10.4064/cm117-1-5
On a subclass of the family of Darboux functions Colloquium Mathematicum 117 (2009) , 95-104 MSC: Primary 26A15. DOI: 10.4064/cm117-1-6
Estimates for Kottman's separation constant in reflexive Banach spaces Colloquium Mathematicum 117 (2009) , 105-119 MSC: Primary 46B20. DOI: 10.4064/cm117-1-7
On the ergodic decomposition for a cocycle Colloquium Mathematicum 117 (2009) , 121-156 MSC: 28D05, 37A20, 37A40, 37B20. DOI: 10.4064/cm117-1-8