Contents of Number 1
Volume 142 / 2010
Compatible families of elliptic type Acta Arithmetica 142 (2010) , 1-9 MSC: Primary 11F80, 11G05. DOI: 10.4064/aa142-1-1
Gauss sums for prime powers in $p$-adic fields Acta Arithmetica 142 (2010) , 11-39 MSC: Primary 11L05, 11T24. DOI: 10.4064/aa142-1-2
Some results on Oppenheim's “Factorisatio Numerorum” function Acta Arithmetica 142 (2010) , 41-50 MSC: Primary 11A51; Secondary 11A25. DOI: 10.4064/aa142-1-3
On the product of heights of algebraic numbers summing to real numbers Acta Arithmetica 142 (2010) , 51-58 MSC: Primary 11R09; Secondary 11G50. DOI: 10.4064/aa142-1-4
On the concentration of points on modular hyperbolas and exponential curves Acta Arithmetica 142 (2010) , 59-66 MSC: 11A07, 11B75, 11T23. DOI: 10.4064/aa142-1-5
Non-converging continued fractions related to the Stern diatomic sequence Acta Arithmetica 142 (2010) , 67-78 MSC: 11J70, 11J81, 11B39. DOI: 10.4064/aa142-1-6
On the Lehmer constant of finite cyclic groups Acta Arithmetica 142 (2010) , 79-84 MSC: Primary 11R09; Secondary 11B83, 11C08, 11T22. DOI: 10.4064/aa142-1-7
Transcendence of infinite sums of simple functions Acta Arithmetica 142 (2010) , 85-102 MSC: Primary 11J81; Secondary 11J86, 65B10. DOI: 10.4064/aa142-1-8