impan Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center
WORKSHOP IP-TA 2010 in Warsaw, February 9-12, 2010

Inverse Problems: developments in theory and applications

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List of Talks with presentations
List of Participants
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  1. Christine BÖCKMANN- Iterative Runge-Kutta type methods for nonlinear ill-posed problems,( C. Böckmann and P. Pornsawad )
  2. Ivan CHERLENYAK - Regularization of the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation by the conjugate gradient method
  3. Micha³ CIA£KOWSKI - Inverse problems for heat conduction equation and Navier-Stokes equations
  4. Lars ELDÉN - Solving Ill-Posed Cauchy problems in three space dimensions using Krylov methods
  5. Xiao-Li FENG - A quasi-boundary-value method for the Cauchy problem for elliptic equations with nonhomogeneous Neumann data
  6. Jens GEISSLER - Some remarks on general similarity functionals in variational regularization
  7. Krzysztof GRYSA - Trefftz method in solving the inverse problems
  8. Alemdar HASANOGLU (HASANOV) - Lipschitz continuity of Frechet gradients of cost functionals related to inverse problems for parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs
  9. Uno HÄMARIK - On parameter choice in self-regularization and standard regularization algorithms, (U. Hämarik, R. Palm, T. Raus)
  10. Torsten HEIN - Accelerated Landweber iteration in Banach spaces
  11. Bernd HOFMANN - On the impact of smoothness in regularization - selected aspects
  12. Sergei KABANIKHIN - Numerical methods of solving inverse problems
  13. Stefan KINDERMANN - Convergence of heuristic parameter choice rules
  14. Gulnara KURAMSHINA - New approach to the determination of intermolecular potential function from the second viral coefficient by Tikhonov's regularization method
  15. Dirk Lorenz - Parameter choice rules for convex variational regularization
  16. Shuai LU - Model function approach in the L-Curve method for the choice of regularization parameter
  17. Artur MACI¡G - Wave polynomials in inverse problems
  18. Peter MATHÉ - The Lepskii balancing principle for conjugate gradient regularization
  19. Andrzej J. NOWAK - Thermal inverse problems in computer simulations of the electrical bushing drying process, (A. J. Nowak, Z. P. Buliñski, K. Kasza and L. Matysiak)
  20. Sergei PEREVERZYEV - Regularization methods in downward continuation of satellite data
  21. Sergiy PEREVERZYEV, Jr - Dual regularized total least squares for the prediction problem in Learning Theory
  22. Zohreh RANJBAR - A preconditioned GMRES method for solving a sideways parabolic equation in two Space Dimensions
  23. Hans-Jürgen REINHARDT - Approximate solutions to inverse problems for elliptic equations
  24. Elena RESMERITA - Finite dimensional approximation of convex regularization in nonseperable Banach spaces
  25. Andreas RIEDER - Newton solvers for electrical impedance tomography
  26. Evgeniya SEMENOVA - Lavrentiev regularization for the nonlinear equation with monotone operator
  27. Elena TABARINTSEVA - An inverse boundary problem for a semi-linear parabolic equation
  28. Jan TALER - Optimum heating of pressure elements
  29. Urlich TAUTENHAHN - Multi-parameter regularization and regularized total least squares in Hilbert spaces
  30. Vladimir VASIN- Iterative processes for nonlinear equations with quasi-monotone operator and its applications to inverse geophysical problems
  31. Anatoly YAGOLA - Error estimation for ill-posed problems with a priori information