Zawartość tomu 25
Об оценке некоторых тригонометрических сумм Acta Arithmetica 25 (1973), 7-30 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-1-7-30
Some results on the distribution of additive arithmetic functions III Acta Arithmetica 25 (1973), 39-49 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-1-39-49
On the measure of measurable sets of integers Acta Arithmetica 25 (1973), 51-54 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-1-51-54
An extension of Schur's theorem on sum-free partitions Acta Arithmetica 25 (1973), 55-64 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-1-55-64
Factorization of irreducible polynomials over a finite field with the substitution $x^(q^r) -x$ for x Acta Arithmetica 25 (1973), 65-80 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-1-65-80
Über die arithmetische Natur der Werte der Lösungen einer Funktionalgleichung von H. Poincaré Acta Arithmetica 25 (1973), 81-92 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-1-81-92
Metric theorems on the approximation of zero by a linear combination of polynomials with integral coefficients Acta Arithmetica 25 (1973), 93-104 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-1-93-104
Investigations in the powersum theory II Acta Arithmetica 25 (1973), 105-113 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-1-105-113
On the representation of cyclotomic polynomials as sums of squares Acta Arithmetica 25 (1973), 115-120 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-1-115-120
Sums of reciprocals of additive functions Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 159-164 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-2-159-164
On the simultaneous diophantine approximation of values of certain hypergeometric and algebraic functions Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 165-190 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-2-165-190
On the upper asymptotic density of (0, r)-primitive sequences Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 191-197 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-2-191-197
On the lattice point theory of multidimensional ellipsoids Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 199-212 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-2-199-212
On a problem of Davenport and Schinzel Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 213-224 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-2-213-224
Arithmetical properties of function fields (II). The generalized Schur problem Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 225-258 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-3-225-258
On the limiting distribution of f(p + 1) for non-negative additive functions Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 259-264 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-3-259-264
Odd perfect numbers are divisible by at least seven distinct primes Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 265-300 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-3-265-300
Об одном новом следствии из гипотезы Римана Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 307-311 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-3-307-311
The number of matrix fields over GF(q) Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 315-329 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-4-315-329
A rational canonical form for matrix fields Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 331-335 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-4-331-335
Simultaneous quadratic inequalities Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 337-346 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-4-337-346
Halving an estimate obtained from Selberg's upper bound method Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 347-351 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-4-347-351
Some applications of a non-Archimedean analogue of Descartes' rule of signs Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 353-357 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-4-353-357
An iterated logarithm type theorem for the largest coefficient in continued fractions Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 359-364 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-4-359-364
On gaps between numbers with a large prime factor. II Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 365-373 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-4-365-373
Un problème binaire en théorie additive Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 393-403 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-4-393-403
The distribution of the fundamental units of real quadratic fields Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 405-409 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-4-405-409
"Almost every" algebraic number-field has a large class-number Acta Arithmetica 25 (1974), 411-413 DOI: 10.4064/aa-25-4-411-413