Zawartość tomu 108
On certain four-dimensional almost Kähler manifolds Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 7-18 MSC: 53C15, 53B20. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-2
On almost Kähler type $(2G_3)$ 4-manifolds Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 19-29 MSC: 53C15, 53B20. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-3
On the composition of the Euler function and the sum of divisors function Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 31-51 MSC: 11A25, 11N37, 11N56. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-4
Order convolution and vector-valued multipliers Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 53-61 MSC: Primary 43A22; Secondary 46E40. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-5
Top-stable and layer-stable degenerations and hom-order Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 63-71 MSC: 14L30, 16D10, 16E30, 16G10, 16G20. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-6
Primitive Lucas $d$-pseudoprimes and Carmichael–Lucas numbers Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 73-93 MSC: Primary 11Y11, 11B39; Secondary 11A51, 11A41, 11B37. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-7
Induced modules of strongly group-graded algebras Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 93-104 MSC: Primary 16W50, 16G30, 16G10. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-8
On the arithmetic of arithmetical congruence monoids Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 105-118 MSC: 20M14, 20D60, 13F05. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-9
Homologie des groupes et généralisations du théorème de Borsuk–Ulam Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 119-134 MSC: Primary 54H25; Secondary 55M20. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-10
Weak mixing of a transformation similar to Pascal Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 135-140 MSC: Primary 37A25. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-11
A basis of $ \mathbb{Z}_m$, II Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 141-145 MSC: 11B13, 11B34. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-12
On a decomposition of Banach spaces Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 147-157 MSC: Primary 28A05; Secondary 46B04. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-13
Embedding a topological group into a connected group Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 159-162 MSC: Primary 54A10; Secondary 54C25, 22A05. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-14
Chen's inequality in the Lagrangian case Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 163-169 MSC: 53C21, 53C24, 53C25, 49K35. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-1-15
On fluctuations in the mean of a sum-of-divisors function, II Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 171-177 MSC: Primary 11N37. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-1
Spectral subspaces for the Fourier algebra Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 179-182 MSC: 43A15, 22D99, 46J2. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-2
The determinant of oriented rotants Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 183-191 MSC: Primary 57M27. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-3
Pre-Tango structures and uniruled varieties Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 193-216 MSC: 14D06, 14F05, 14F10, 14F17, 14F40, 14J29, 14J50, 14J60. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-4
Some remarks on Hilbert–Speiser and Leopoldt fields of given type Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 217-223 MSC: Primary 11R33. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-5
On the critical Neumann problem with lower order perturbations Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 225-246 MSC: 35B33, 35J65, 35Q55. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-6
Some integral inequalities of Hölder and Minkowski type Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 247-261 MSC: Primary 26D15. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-7
On the Fourier transform, Boehmians, and distributions Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 263-276 MSC: Primary 42B10, 44A40; Secondary 44A35, 46F12. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-8
Simple proofs of the Siegel–Tatuzawa and Brauer–Siegel theorems Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 277-283 MSC: Primary 11R42; Secondary 11R29. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-9
Band combinatorics of domestic string algebras Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 285-296 MSC: 05C20, 05C38, 16G20. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-10
Biminimal Legendrian surfaces in 5-dimensional Sasakian space forms Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 297-304 MSC: Primary 53C42; Secondary 53B25. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-11
Pseudo-Bochner-flat locally conformal Kähler submanifolds Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 305-315 MSC: 53C55, 53C40. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-12
Weakly mixing transformations and the Carathéodory definition of measurable sets Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 317-328 MSC: Primary 37A05; Secondary 28A05. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-13
Hypersurfaces with almost complex structures in the real affine space Colloquium Mathematicum 108 (2007), 329-338 MSC: 53A15, 53C26. DOI: 10.4064/cm108-2-14